Implementation Guide for Women of Color
This implementation guide, as part of the LODi Project, is designed to assist individuals and organizations in expanding services to meet the needs of women of color living with HIV. It is meant to inform the development of new programs, but also to assist organizations in improving existing efforts. Target audiences include all Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program grantees and other service providers, whether they are AIDS service organizations, community-based organizations, health departments, or clinical settings such as physician practices, hospitals, or health clinics.
The goal of this implementation guide is to provide practical advice and tools. The hope is that readers will feel empowered to embark on new programs or expand existing ones. The guide is part of the Integrating HIV Innovative Practices (IHIP) project that promotes dissemination and replication of successful SPNS initiatives. More information about IHIP materials — which include training manuals, curricula, implementation guides, related webinars, monographs, and pocket guides — can be found on the IHIP landing page on the TARGET Center website at The main sections of this guide summarize activities conducted by WOC Initiative grantee sites, provide practical planning and implementation steps to follow, and capture common lessons learned from across grantee sites.
Please review by clicking on the WOC link and you will see the contributions of JWCH throughout the manual.