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Entries by Wesley Health Centers
Save the Date
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersWesley Benefit Dinner Thursday October 26th at 6pm More details to follow soon
Welcome to PrEP & More
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersHave questions or need an appointment? Call or Text: (323) 480-0440 Email: linkage@jwch.org
Staying Safe Outside this Summer!
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersJuly is Ultraviolet Safety Month and during this time, let’s remember how important it is to protect our eyes and skin from the side effects of UV rays. Be Safe in the Sun Too much ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight is dangerous. Nearly half of UV radiation is received between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., […]
A Quick Home Antigen Rapid Test For COVID-19: What is it and how do you do it?
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersA step-by-step guide to doing an at-home COVID-19 rapid antigen test Make sure to read the instructions on the box, some tests may vary in its instructions. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. The kit comes with three main items: a collection swab, a test strip and a small vial of liquid. Open the collection […]
Now Open: Recuperative Care Program – San Julian Oasis
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersThe Oasis Recuperative Care Program for Homeless Women in Skid Row Seeking to make a difference in the lives of skid row’s most vulnerable population, women. We acknowledge and thank our team at the new San Julian Oasis Program, Edenia Jones, Program Director and Abbye Williams, Program Director of the ESP along with Blanca Almeida, […]
Thank You To All Our Sponsors
/in Event/by Wesley Health CentersOur patients, staff, and community had a wonderful time celebrating National Health Center Week 2021 at our Norwalk, Lancaster, and Lynwood Clinics. Thank you again to all our National Health Center Week 2021 sponsors who made our communities feel so special.
Patient Appreciation & Wellness Events
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersJoin us as we celebrate our community for patient appreciation and wellness day. National Health Center Week at Wesley Health Centers – Norwalk, Lancaster, and Lynwood. Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 | 10am to 1pm 12360 Firestone Blvd, Norwalk Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 | 10am to 1pm 45104 10th Street West, Lancaster Thursday, August 12th, 2021 […]
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersJWCH Institute, Inc., and our Wesley Health Centers are not-for-profit health centers. We understand that many of our patients have limited means to pay for medical care. Therefore, we have developed a Sliding Fee Scale Discount Program to determine the appropriate fee to charge patients depending on their ability to pay. Qualifying patients are based […]
New Clinic at Lynwood
/in News/by Wesley Health CentersWe are pleased to welcome you to our newest Wesley Health Centers in the City of Lynwood located at 3590 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood, CA 90262. Our current Wesley Health Centers – Lynwood which is located at 3591 Imperial Highway is immediately across the street and will continue to serve you with the following programs: […]

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No one is turned away due to lack of ability to pay for services or due to being uninsured.
We also offer a sliding fee schedule for persons at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) consider JWCH Institute, Inc. / Wesley Health Centers and its providers as Public Health Services employees, providing malpractice liability protection under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).