JWCH Recognized for Exceptional Care
JWCH Recognized for Exceptional Care as 2019 Recipient of the Health Resources and Services Administration Quality Improvement Award
September 5, 2019, Los Angeles– In late August, the U.S. Department of Health Services announced nearly $107 million in Quality Improvement Awards to 1,273 health centers across the United States. This year JWCH is proud to announce that we were selected as 2019 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program Quality Improvement Awardee. JWCH was honored as a Health Center Quality Leader with a silver badge, designating JWCH as one of the nation’s top 20% of health centers that achieved the best overall clinical performance outcomes in 2018. JWCH also received recognition in three other areas, including reducing health disparities by meeting or exceeding Healthy People 2020 goals for low birth weight, hypertension control, and diabetes control (1st Tier Health Disparities Reducer Award), increasing both the number of patients served and patients’ ability to access comprehensive services (Health Access Enhancer Award), and delivering patient-centered care (PCMH). In addition to these quality of care recognitions, JWCH received a $150,472 grant as a result of our excellent performance which we will reinvest in quality improvement projects to further increase the quality, efficiency, and value of the health care services we provide to our patients.
JWCH Institute, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) Federally Qualified Health Center established in 1960. JWCH is the largest provider of homeless health care in California and our mission is to “improve the health status and well-being of under-served segments of the population of Los Angeles County through the direct provision or coordination of health care, health education, services, and research”. JWCH operates 31 sites, which includes primary care clinics, dental clinics, school-based sites, substance abuse treatment sites, homeless health care, and mobile units to provide quality and integrated care to low-income and homeless residents throughout LA County.