Archive for year: 2017

California Health Care Open Enrollment Ends Jan 31 2018

The California version of the ACA (Affordable Care Act, aka: “ObamaCare”) is managed through Covered California. If you currently do not have health care insurance, or if you wish to update and/or renew your current CC policy, you have until the end of January to do so. Here are a few specifics:

  • Open enrollment for health coverage in 2018 is happening now and will end on Jan. 31, 2018.
  • Current members can renew or change their health plans until Jan. 31.
  • Medi-Cal and Covered California use the same application. When you apply, depending on factors such as your family size, income and citizenship or immigration status, you will find out whether you qualify for:
    • A Covered California health plan, with or without financial assistance.
    • • Medi-Cal.
    • County Children’s Health Initiative Program.
    • Medi-Cal Access Program for pregnant women.

 For more information, please visit Covered California here.

2017 Benefit a Succcess



Thank you all for joining us as we celebrated 57 years of service on October 21 at our 2017 Wesley Benefit Dinner & Dance. It was a wonderful evening with our friends & supporters including many who joined us for the first time.

Please know that your presence honors our mission to the homeless and underserved and your contributions expand services to the needy. We are fortunate to have you in the Wesley Health Centers family and we look forward to seeing you soon.


Al Ballesteros, MBA
President & Chief Executive Officer

Event Images on Flickr
For more pictures of the Wesley Benefit, you can visit
our social media channels or click HERE!



• Al Ballesteros & José Torres
• Arthur J. Gallagher
• Calmet Services, Inc.
• City of Downey
• Comerica
• East Valley Community Health Centers
• Kathleen House
• Houston Tyner
• McKesson
• Mutual of America
• ProAmerica Bank
• Supervisor Hilda Solis
• Advantage Healthcare Services
• Aflac
• Allied
• AltaMed
• Caldwell Law Group
• Albert Chiang & George Reich
• Eisner Health
• Empire Cleaning Supply
• Darryl Leong & Eugene Lewis
• Medline
• Medpoint Management
• Men Health Foundation
• Midtowne Spa
• North Hollywood Spa
• Queenscare
• The 1350 Club
• Weingart Center Association


WHC Expands Dental Care

Wesley Health Centers want to help you and your family maintain a health smile!

We currently offer 3 locations as your “dental home”

Our Oral Health Screening offers:

  • Visual dental exams
  • Nutritional counseling and guidance
  • Caries-risk assessment and periodontal disease assessment
  • Dental services include deep cleaning, fillings, root canals, extractions and dentures
  • Information about proper care of teeth and gums
  • Oral hygiene instructions
  • Referrals to dental specialists when care cannot be directly provided within the dental clinic

Blanket Drive 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In fermentum pellentesque molestie. Nulla in odio lectus. Cras euismod lacus nec neque rutrum molestie. Aenean eu erat ipsum. Duis dui ipsum, ullamcorper id vestibulum a, tempor et elit. Mauris dictum massa eget neque pretium hendrerit vel quis neque. Nullam vel nisl sem. Nulla ac turpis convallis orci bibendum varius ut a urna. Mauris elementum tincidunt molestie. In nulla ligula, viverra eget convallis aliquet, congue vehicula nibh.

Where to Go

Duis a turpis in libero ultricies pulvinar. Phasellus mattis leo eu metus imperdiet elementum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque nec quam neque, placerat cursus leo. Nam sollicitudin leo vel elit faucibus molestie. Ut suscipit imperdiet nisi, eu porttitor orci tempor ac. Ut mi leo, aliquet eget faucibus id, commodo eu nulla. Donec at aliquam dui. Sed id nibh ipsum, at sollicitudin turpis. Mauris suscipit dui et est ultricies sollicitudin. Mauris tincidunt sagittis quam at egestas. Vivamus tincidunt augue ut lorem congue ornare eu sed leo. Fusce auctor euismod lorem nec posuere. Quisque at felis elit. Quisque tristique ultrices tortor. Mauris nec elit ante. Sed tortor velit, sodales vel vulputate dictum, ullamcorper sollicitudin sem. In posuere, purus feugiat placerat pretium, ligula massa varius urna, dapibus consectetur orci odio vitae justo.

National Health Centers Week

August 14-19, 2017

“Celebrating America’s Health Centers: The Key to Healthier Communities”


Contact Daniela E. Rodriguez at | (323) 201-4516 ext 3032

Save Obamacare Rally

On the 7th Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Join Us to Defend Healthcare


Starting Time: 
Gather by 11:00 AM and begin the March at 12 noon

The Starting Points:
Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels (Grand Ave. & Temple St.), and Ronald Reagan State Building (4th St. & Main St.)
We will march to the Edward Roybal Federal Building for the rally.

For more information: please contact Miguel Paredes, Director of Community Organizing at 323-447-2591 or at



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